About Susan

My Story

Hello! Welcome to my blog! I hope you will look around and explore all of God's grace in my life. Life is a journey, and it is an honor to share my journey with you. I pray that you will be blessed and that your
heart will experience God’s love and healing wherever you are in YOUR journey.

A little about me... 

          I am married to my best friend...an amazing, talented, and devoted husband and father. God continues to
transform our marriage...and it only keeps blossoming going on 18 years! What an amazing gift called MARRIAGE AND FAMILYI am a mother to three beautiful, courageous daughters! It is true...girls keep us young at heart, sharpen our aging minds, up-to-date us on where we’re in denial:))) Remind us that MOMS are important too...keeping us in semi-fit shape when we start thinking a dozen cupcakes is ok to eat in one sitting, and the most importantly...my girls...and my man keep me humble:)))) Thank God for that....I am a 12th grade literature/writing teacher and am the second out of four fun daughters:)
          My prayers in the devotionals are the most important part...for me anyway...It’s where I can have a repentant heart...and where God brings healing and growthI have been a Sunday school teacher for 15 years and a Bible study student for about the same time. Currently, I am a small group leader at my local church. Thank you for stopping by... before you go...I’d like to say....you are precious in every way! 

You are
His masterpiece!!!
With Love,


  1. Susan,
    I don't have your contact info and would love to talk to you about my meeting today with my friend Tanya about human trafficking. We watched Trade of Innocents movie which takes place in Cambodia and want to host an event showing it in early August. Would love to talk to you. Can you email me? panzica(dot)susan(at)gmail(dot)com
    Love you, Susan

  2. Susan,
    It's always great seeing you! Let me know when your next meeting is. Sounds like God is stirring it up! Sounds great!
