Monday, December 24, 2012

The Prince of Born!!!


Happy Birthday Jesus!!! And Merry Christmas to everyone!! Today marks another celebratory day to remember the birth of our Savior! Today after breakfast...we will light the Christ candle in our advent wreath...For me...this Christmas....the birth of Christ is significant for all the things in the verse above....but the word that comes to mind....that stands out above all the other the  word...PEACE....Jesus is the Prince of Peace....I said a prayer and asked God to really help me to understand and to see what this peace looks a new and different way...If my Savior is the Prince of Peace....hey....this is what I want....more of....And I think as we serve in our home, in our churches, on the mission field, on mission’s trips...we need the peace of God to sustain us...

May I pray? Father in heaven....Happy Birthday!! Thank you for coming down from the gloriousness of heaven into the confines of a human baby...for save us from ourselves...from our sin...I ask that you will put a hedge of protection over each one of us in your name...Jesus....and give us the peace that passeth all understanding...Help us this 2013 to serve you in the capacity that you would have us serve, and equip us to serve in a way that brings you glory and honor! we us to exude your peace... and your love....give us your peace and love, and fill us up, so we can fill others up! In Jesus name...Amen.

Sunday, December 23, 2012



 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called FAITHFUL and TRUE. With Justice he judges and wages war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.” He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. On his robe and on his thigh he has the name written:

Revelation 19:11-16

          This year our family started a new Christmas tradition. Actually, we tried to start it many years ago....had a wreath...had some candles...had some verses....but we couldn’t put it all together:) This year....thanks to our church...actually...(they had it last Christmas too, but we couldn’t manage to get ourselves there)....our family participated in a wreath making activity. We showed up after a Sunday service and made the wreath, decorated the wreath...and took home the advent readings that we were supposed to do this December...truth be told...we were supposed to do it every Sunday...but due to....whatever you call it....we managed to light all three candles in three days....all the week before Christmas! Yes! That is progress for us!!
          So follow along....if you will....focus.....put your ADD aside....every Sunday you light a candle....there are three purple one purple candle is lit every Sunday, so you start the first Sunday in December. The fourth Sunday you light the pink candle....yes I meant pink.....there is a pink candle, and then on Christmas day, you light the white candle....the CHRIST candle.
          So today, our family read the bible readings for the third purple candle. That’s we lit the third purple candle just like the purple on this’s Bible readings were about how Jesus is ROYAL...hence....the color purple.  
When we think of Jesus we have pictures of him in our Jesus in the manger, Baby Jesus in his mother’s arms....Jesus as a young boy “in His Father’s house” talking to the learned, and Jesus right before he died for us...with thorns on his head....carrying the cross...being whipped, bruised, and crucified. The third purple candle represents the JOY that we have in Jesus Christ because He is King! He rules in our hearts and is with us and is with the twenty young kids who left this earth last Friday...all because God planned his birth, death, and resurrection.
The first purple candle represents the HOPE we have in the promised Messiah. The second reminds us of the coming Savior and that HE IS the PRINCE OF PEACE. And who remembers what the third purple candle represents? Yes who is reading this....
That’s right....the JOY we can have in Christ because he is truly royal!!! It is there for us to have....we just have to ask for it...So don’t forget to ask your Father in heaven for his joy!!!!
For more info on the advent calendar and the verses check out  and look for the Advent Calendar.

MAY I PRAY? JESUS! YOU ARE ROYAL! Thank you so much for coming to be born in an animal’s feeding trough even tho you are royal! You came with a purpose to redeem us....thank you!!! Forgive us our sins....all of them....and give us the things of you....hope, peace, joy, and love....we love you! In Jesus name....AMEN.

Friday, December 21, 2012

What about JOSEPH?


Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the Lord had bidden him, and took unto him his wife and knew her not till she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name 
Matthew 1:24-5.

  Not much is said about Joseph...we know he was a carpenter and Mary’s husband, but we do know that Joseph was a man of character or more specifically class and kindness. A few verses before  Matthew 1:24-5 in  verse 19,  Joseph was planning to break his relationship off with Mary...but he was going to do it privately so not to embarrass her after finding out Mary was with child, and the child was not his! But then...the angel appeared before him telling him that Mary was conceived by the Holy Ghost and that Mary would born a son named JESUS. AND HIS PURPOSE? To SAVE the people from their SIN.
When I think of Joseph....I see a man who obeyed God despite what others would think of him....another Noah if you will. He chose to follow the course God had for him rather than the approval of people. Back then, to marry someone with child out of wedlock was not the thing to fact Mary would have been stoned to death as that was the Mosaic Law. But when the angel appeared, he must have known that God was up to the divine....he must of known in his heart that this angel was truly sent from God. So be obeyed....very simple....but the part that shows us what kind of man Joseph was is when he found out Mary was with child and thinking she had been unfaithful...he was not hotheaded or dragging her off to the officials to be stoned...He was quietly going to send her on her way. This calm act of his is such a kind and gentle gesture.  
Christmas is 4 days away! What gift do you want to give to Jesus? What gift? You know...for His birthday present... Is it more kindness...more forgiveness....more mercy...more gentleness....more acceptance? How about treat yourself with these things.... forgive kind to gentle with yourself..... ACCEPT YOURSELF AS YOU ARE....WHY? BECAUSE GOD MADE YOU!  God is so good....then we can do these things to others. 
May I pray? Lord Jesus thank you for the example of character, kindness, and gentleness we find in your servant Joseph. I ask that you help each one of us be kind and gentle like him.... in our words, actions, attitudes....with ourselves and with others. Be with us and put your love, kindness and gentleness in our hearts. As we celebrate your birthday help us all to pause and to remember who you are....our SAVIOR and because you can help us with the impossible! In Jesus Name, Amen.




The Lord Is With Me. I will not be afraid. What can man do to me? 
Psalm 118:6


If I were Mary I would be in massive uncomfortableness...barely being able to hold myself on a moving donkey. Then emotionally thinking soldiers are after my baby and me. And If I were Joseph...I would be thinking...Lord, help me get to where I need to go....this donkey is moving so slow...Mary is going to deliver any moment, and I don’t have a bed for her...will this baby survive? What about the blood, and what do I clean it up with? Yup, fear would be on the scene....

Fear can paralyze can make us go down weird alley ways in our minds...Our minds wrap itself around fearful thoughts whenever we get bored or have too much to do...anxiety might set in and bam!...Fear has taken think of something far off in the distance and your mind plays tricks on you of what COULD  happen....and then wham!...The father of lies has you right where he wants you...stuck...WALLOWING....spinning....sad....depressed....quiet...isolated..

But God tells us do not fear! We have to take an active stand and squash fear before fear squashes us! God says in Deuteronomy 31:6 Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. Many of you as well as my family have and will go off to foreign lands over seas in 3rd world countries...some safe and some unsafe...I just got a newsletter from our friends serving in Ethiopia as full time missionaries for five years....just driving to work and back each day is a peril. We have to ask God to help us recognize our fears and then for God to remove them...I don’t know about you...but sometimes I don’t even know I am fearful...I just start acting all weird...or ooze grouchiness....lately I asked the Lord...please show me how I am fearful so that God can work with me on this. 

MAY I PRAY? Omniscient Father have told us countless times to not be afraid...but often times we are....thank you for coming down from glorious heaven into our world...contained in a bodily servant’s live among us...teach us...disciple us....and then to die for us...for our we could commune with you each day...THANK YOU!!! I ask that you would help us come face to face with our fears, acknowledge them, accept them, and then release them into your you can do away with them. In Jesus name we pray...AMEN!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The Star...

Follow the star
The wise men...

                                                                                               John 3:16
          Christmas is 6 days away!  I went to the butcher today and ordered my Christmas dinner meat...gonna make a 

crown of pork chops....16 to be exact. Added a few more presents under the tree...and I gave my mom a beautiful star pin  

for her to wear especially during the Christmas season in years to come. So last week my daughter and I visited a life 

size nativity scene on the front yard of a church we visited. I have pictures of my daughter touching the gifts that the 3 

wise men brought to Jesus. The 3 wise men travelled far and long following a bright star that God provided...the star that 

would lead to our Savior Jesus!  The pin I bought my mom is the star of David...the bright star...the glory of God that the 

wise men knew...perhaps through a revelation from God where the King of Kings would be born.
          Last week’s tragedy in the small town of Connecticut broke the hearts of everyone around the globe. We mourn the 

loss of 20 Innocent lives that breathed their last breath in an instant. I turn on the tv and radio, and I hear about all that is 

being done to rectify future instances like this one. In the dark of this crime....I can’t help but to look for  the star...look for 

the glory of God....look to my Savior....Jesus....except now He reigns in our hearts and is everywhere if we seek and 

search for Him with all our heart. A few of my friends e-mailed me a beautiful poem an anonymous person in Southern, 

PA wrote. It goes like this:

A poem to remind us what it is to know The Lord and what we have to look forward to...

Twas' 11 days before Christmas, around 9:38 when 20 beautiful children stormed through heaven's gate. 
Their smiles were contagious, their laughter filled the air. They could hardly believe all the beauty they saw there. 
They were filled with such joy; they didn't know what to say. They remembered nothing of what had happened earlier that day.
 “Where are we?" asked a little girl, as quiet as a mouse. “This is heaven" declared a small boy. "We’re spending Christmas at God's house”. 
When what to their wondering eyes did appear, but Jesus, their savior, the children gathered near. 
He looked at them and smiled, and they smiled just the same. Then He opened His arms and He called them by name. 
And in that moment was joy, that only heaven can bring those children all flew into the arms of their King 
And as they lingered in the warmth of His embrace, one small girl turned and looked at Jesus' face. 
And as if He could read all the questions she had, He gently whispered to her, "I'll take care of mom and dad. 
Then He looked down on earth, the world far below He saw all of the hurt, the sorrow, and woe, 
Then He closed His eyes and He outstretched His hand, “Let My power and presence re-enter this land!
 “May this country be delivered from the hands of fools” “I’m taking back my nation. I'm taking back my schools! 
Then He and the children stood up without a sound. “Come now my children let me show you around.
Excitement filled the space, some skipped and some ran. All displaying enthusiasm that only a small child can. 
And I heard Him proclaim as He walked out of sight, “in the midst of this darkness,” I AM STILL THE LIGHT."

          My pastor said something so true on Sunday...we don’t know why God allows some things to happen, and why he stops others from happening. We will know one day in heaven. He said that even during the time of Jesus's babyhood, Herod issued that all baby boys be slaughtered under the age of two! And in the little town of Bethlehem, the number of baby boys that died by the sword would be around 20. So evil isn't new....but God has a purpose and a plan. 

          All I know today is TO continue on the example of the three wise men 2012 years ago...look to the star of Jesus. Look to find where God is and search for Him just as the wise men did to Bethlehem. In the darkness of what happened last Friday, the light of God is still among us. I am going to choose to focus on the LIGHT and follow it to my Savior. 


Friday, December 14, 2012


Royalty Free Stock Photography: Christmas carols. Image: 17027737
I will never leave you nor forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5
           Christmas is in the Christmas tree is up...the stockings are hung, my garland drapes on the railings with red and green bows in place....My daughter and I left a church yesterday, and there was a beautiful life size nativity set on the front yard: Three wise men bearing gifts, Joseph, Mary, baby Jesus with sheep, a donkey and even a cow! I love Christmas not only because of all of this or because of the beautiful Christmas lights. I love Christmas because truly this is when our Savior was born 2012 years ago! 
One of the sweetest things my husband says to me is this....”We are a team,” or “We are partners!” I love hearing this because we choose to make decisions together, and also there is such harmony when I hear the word TEAM. Or when one of us is down, we boost each other up! God is so awesome as He really has made my hubby and me into a wonderful team! God also desires to be in a team with each of us! This verse above promises to us that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Sometimes we don’t feel the presence of God nor do we do our daily spiritual disciplines. But Jesus is always with us. He lives inside each believer. We just have to pause and commune with Him...pray to Him, wait on Him, and look for Him. 
Having God partner with us and being on the GOD TEAM is where I want to be. This is why I love Christmas....I think when I say Merry Christmas, what I really mean is, “God is with you!!! Don’t ever forget He loves you!!!”

Thursday, December 6, 2012

The Savior Came as A Baby

Christms Saying   What Child is This

So the Word became human and made his home among us. He was full of unfailing love and faithfulness. And we have seen his glory, the glory of the Father’s one and only Son.
John 1:14
            As we enter the Christmas season I am reminded of the significance of the birth of Jesus. Why did Jesus have to come to earth? Why of all a baby? My simplest answer of all is this.... because we (all of mankind) needed a Savior...and He is Christ the Lord. With all due respect....I don’t care how much money you make, what you look like, how smart you are, how accomplished, talented, humble, modest, wise, gorgeous, faithful, how many people you have led to Christ or helped, etc....we all need a Savior. Because we all fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) our sin separates us from God. God knew this dilemma, and the only way He could resolve this was to send Jesus to take all the punishment for us when He died on the cross. On the third day He rose again, conquered the grave, and put Satan under his feet. But the biggest surprise of all...He was sent in the form of a baby.
           Who is this God that I serve that came to earth as a baby? I am reminded that, “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts,” declares the Lord (Isaiah 55:9). 
           For this reason, this is all the more reason to trust God and not lean on my own understanding. I could have never imagined in a million years God coming to earth as a baby, and born to a virgin of all things! And a star in the sky that led three wise men to Jesus? God provided that star just like He provided the manna in the desert for the Israelites. Just as God provides for you and for me, past, present, and future. What is your greatest need today? What are you lacking sleep over? Go to God with it and earnestly and thankfully ask Him for His provision! Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17). Be thankful when God provides in His perfect way! Whatever you do.....I repeat....whatever you do....just be thankful and don't most will probably forget how He has provided for you in the past and you have another like I....will start complaining....but maybe this time around you and I will remember....that God always provides!!! Be patient...He will provide!!!
           Tomorrow is my mother’s 70th birthday. I am spending the day with her. I am reminded of God’s provision for her as she became a widow at the young age of 42 to parent four young daughters by herself. That was 28 years ago. I can honestly say Emmanuel....God was with us....Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

We are Protected by the Shield of God!

But You, O Lord, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head. I cried to the Lord with my voice, and He heard me from His holy hill. Selah, I lay down and slept; I awoke, for the Lord sustained me.
Psalm 3:3-5

I was given this verse this week as I finished the last week of shepherd training at my church. Each of the 8 of us in training met for six weeks and read and discussed a book together on how to be an effective and loving shepherd for each small group that we would be shepherding....God willing. At the very end of our training each one of us was given a verse that was prayed over us. And this one was mine....Psalm 3:3-5.
I sat and soaked in each word as a direct message from God. I had to think about it for a little while and realize what this verse really meant. After a short time frame of wishing I had received some of the other verses that other people got:); will the child in me ever grow up? I closed my eyes and thanked my heavenly Father that He would always be my shield. That He would in times of distress sustain me. 
Then something cool happened. In my prayer time, I lifted up all my friends who are suffering from cancer, anxiety, hardship, financial struggles and asked that God would sustain them and strengthen them. Many times I had prayed that God protect my friends, but now this verse became very special! The words became alive to me!
This is a beautiful verse that is so importantl for all of us because as we all serve in missions in one way or another, this verse really encourages and empowers me! When we travel overseas and are in third world countries and come face to face with opposing forces or circumstances that are stressful, we can submit to the thrown because our King will sustain us just like He did David when his son Absalom rebelled and gathered an army to kill him. God is our protector, and as we stay connected to Him in our missions projects and service, I pray He will protect and sustain each one of us!!!
May I pray? Father in heaven, in the name of Jesus, I ask that you put a hedge over my husband who is in Ethiopia right now and please strengthen and sustain him and ever lead him! Please Lord protect and watch over our friends serving in Ethiopia full-time and be their ever provider and sustainer! Also, all our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are traveling this week and this month, please watch over them and care for them. Provide for their every need and please give them joy to serve where they are! Help them to remember that You are in control and you lead us....we just have to follow and remain in you (John 15:4) Thank you for building us up brick by brick by your every word! In Jesus name, Amen!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Give me a grateful heart....Lord!

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer ad supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. Phillippians 4:6

                 Last night was our Thanksgiving service at church. Every year our church has a Thanksgiving service the night before Thanksgiving, and we all share with the rest of the congregation what we are thankful for. My husband and I both shared how we are thankful for the fact that we pray together. Also that we have God among us which helps us in our relationship with each other. We mentioned we were thankful for the small groups that we are in at church. Being in a group where we come together and grow together and work out “problems” together has been priceless. 
          Today is Thanksgiving, and I have a sweet story to share. Yesterday my three year old Isabelle had a Thanksgiving parade at her school. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and braced myself for a “Thanksgiving” day before Thanksgiving. So emotionally, I was not at a very good place and was determined to stay there for maybe another day:) All  the parents were asked to go to the gym and wait for the kids to come out for the parade. I had my iphone in position and was ready to take some pictures and a video still determined that it was ok to stay in my not so jolly state.... I have my rights:) The teachers came out with the kids behind them in an array of paper feathers in pilgrim hats and cute paper bag pilgrim costumes. One baby had pretend braids on his cute little bald head. My daughter was holding a sign of what she was thankful for. She was dressed like a sweet....But here’s the kicker.....the song the little children came out to was this....”Give thanks with a grateful heart...give thanks to the Holy One....give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ His Son.....and now.....let the meek say I am strong.....let the poor say I am rich....because of what the Lord has done.....for US.....Give thanks......” It’s as if God himself came down into the gymnasium and shot an arrow of grace and forgiveness and love into my stoney heart. My eyes filled with tears, and the rest is history. God is alive and living and wants us be grateful for all things for this is the will of Jesus Christ for us. 1 Thessalonians 5:18. I am so thankful that God is not finished with me yet and has me in the palm of his hands! What a royal mess I can be....Have a blessed Thanksgiving everyone!!!

Friday, November 16, 2012

What Happened to My Light?

This Little Light of Mine....I’m Going to Let it Shine!

 If You Abide in Me and My Words Abide in You. Ask Whatever You Will, and It Shall Be Done For You!
John 15:7

Do you remember this song growing up, “This Little Light Of Mine...I’m Going to Let it Shine....Don’t let Satan blow it out...I’m going to Let it Shine!” Perhaps your kids have sung this song in Sunday School or church? As cute as this song is so true in our spiritual walk with the Lord. We all have a light within us. Some are shining already....some bright. In others the light was there at one point, and the storms of life have blown it out. Or maybe your candle has been temporarily blown out but is on the verge of being rekindled into a small flame which will grow into a blazing fire one day....whatever the case....nurture your spirit with the Word of God, make it to church, carve out some time each day to pray....start out with a few minutes....That’s all it takes. It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes or an hour. Just even a few minutes to check in with our Lord and to still your mind and to be quiet with Jesus is one way to care for your candle. You are plugging into the One true God!
    “This Little Light of Mine....I’m Going to Let It Shine...” is a song that I learned growing up in church. The other day, my three year old daughter was singing it with some hums and babbles...and made up words... and I couldn’t quite understand what she was singing, but suddenly I knew when she pulled out her pointer finger and pretended to blow out her “candle.” This makes me think of some things that can blow out the love of God in each of us. It could be an action that was disrespectful or an unkind word that was spoken and worse in a harsh tone and even worse.... at a time when you are at your breaking point. When it comes down to it, none of us are perfect. We all have moments of chaos and haste and perhaps say or do something that was not the most Rico Suaveish....this is a real word people. God desires that we not take things too personally and not be too sensitive. It is our choice whether we allow things to bother us to the point of dimming our light. Each of our days are made up of choices and for today let’s choose to let things roll off our backs, plug into God, and thank Jesus for another day of life and another day to enjoy the people in our lives! I will add in there, some things do need to be addressed, but pray first that God give you the right time with the right loving attitude to speak your truth in love.....and better...that it will be received well:)
    May I pray? Father, thank you so much for this day and for giving each one of us an opportunity to show up for life. Give us the strength to rise above peoples’ mistakes and help us show grace and let your love in us shine because you first loved us! In Jesus name, Amen!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Do Not Stop Meeting Together But Spur One Another On!

We Were Designed To Be In Fellowship With One Another!

Two Are Better Than One, Because They Have A Good Return for Their Work...If One Falls Down, His Friend Can Help Him Up. 
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Funny picture of clever pets teaming up to pilfer a cake from the refrigerator in this funny pet and animal photograph. Pictures of animal teamwork.           Just looking at this picture explains what friendship is all about. By ourselves we can only achieve the veggie drawer. With friends and fellowship, we can lean on each other and get the cake and manage to get it down! It’s our friends that cheer us on and stand in the gap for each other.. A dear friend of mine has been diagnosed with stage two cancer and had a double mastectomy. It is amazing to see how her brothers and sisters in Christ have come along side of her and have helped her whole family during this difficult period in her life. The prayer support has been amazing, and it is the prayers that are sustaining her and her family.
          When I think of this picture of the three animals and how they are all piled on top of each other, I think of the importance of fellowship and being in prayer together. KAMHC was that prayer support for my family and me when my husband went to North Korea in September for one week. My husband got such an encouraging e-mail from someone from KAMHC wondering if we had any prayer requests. We instantly asked for prayer support for safety for my husband while in North Korea as he taught other neurosurgeons how to do certain surgeries....We also needed prayer for the rest of us stateside. Three sassy kids and a crazy dog....and a nutty mom can be dangerous business when my hubby’s not around. Just knowing that some people were specifically praying for us during this medical missions trip was exactly what I needed. There were no problems during this week and during the board retreat weekend, we met our prayer partners! They are so dear!!
          The Bible speaks about not forgetting to meet together. I remember a pastor at my church when I used to live in Missouri. He said something that stuck! He said that a grill full of coals burning together will burn bigger, brighter, and stronger together. When one coal goes astray and tries to stay lit, eventually the fire grows dim and eventually goes out. KAMHC seems to be this grill of coals of Christians who want to further God’s kingdom and share the love of Christ with the less fortunate and deprived. If you are going on a missions trip and need prayer support, please ask for prayer. I could definitely feel it that week!
          May I pray? Father, thank you for a body of believers where we can stand together and pray for each other for safety, strength, knowledge, and wisdom. I pray for all the trips and projects that your people are planning and in the midst of. Please put a hedge of protection around KAMHC and all the volunteers and keep them in your care and in fellowship with one another because where there is three, when one falls, the other can help back up! Peace...

Friday, November 2, 2012

We Are One Body In Christ

So In Christ We Who Are Many Form One Body, and Each Member Belongs to All the Others.
Romans 12:5

Greetings from New Jersey as our town has had no power for 6 days now since the aftermath of Sandy. Luckily, it is not the dead of winter and gas burners still provide a source of heat to cook. The girls have had no school all week! The quietness and no electricity has given me time to finish my first blog entry. My name is Susan Park, and I am so happy to start a blog on KAMHC’s website! A little about myself, I was introduced to KAMHC while attending it’s conference in LA a few weekends ago with my husband Kee Park, neurosurgeon extraordinaire. Don’t let him fool you as a neurosurgeon. He really is a passionate kiteboarder in a neurosurgeon’s body. My hubby enjoys going on mission trips primarily to North Korea and Ethiopia among some other war torn or poverty stricken areas in the world. To make a long story short, I was riding with Jane, Dr. Yong Sik Kim’s wise and lovely wife in a car leaving a beautiful dinner for the KAMHC welcome board retreat meeting.  Mrs. William IL Han (I am convinced she is a chef and not telling us) and her friends concocted the most lovely sight; dinner can only be described as ART.  My favorites were the zaru soba in the Inalee sushi tofu pockets with just a splash of green onion in each pocket. The mushroom and bulgogi “bones” combination was mouth watering and the seafood medley of fresh oyster, shrimp and scallops made me feel like the world was my pun intended! It was heaven on earth!  Thank you for such an enchanting Korean dinner experience.
To get back to the story, I was telling Jane that I know we will one day see Jesus face to face and will be held accountable for the gifts and talents God has given each one of us. I have been hearing this quite a lot lately. I was telling her that I used to be an English teacher and did some writings some 10 years ago, but had really put my love of writing aside to raise three daughters. I proceeded to tell Jane that I was very excited about a family devotional book I am working on. She then said perhaps I could do a devotional section on the KAMHC website. One month later, here we are! Jane’s pretty persistent:) Jane is a counselor. I think we need to get her on board too. I am honored to be a part of KAMHC in this way and look forward to hearing from you as well as we walk together on our journey to grow in Christ! 
I said a prayer and asked God how I could start this blog and what came quickly to my mind is what was given to me to teach Sunday School last Sunday at my local church on the body of Christ. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-21 the Bible speaks about the body of Christ and how each person is so very important in furthering God’s kingdom and without each one of us, we as a whole do not function as God intended. I loved teaching this in Sunday School especially with my three year old daughter’s Mr. Potato head toy. I illustrated how each body part helps the rest of the body. Without the eyes, the body might have legs to run and a mouth to speak and arms to help but no eyes to see. Or without a nose, we might have everything except being able to smell. “For just as the body is a unity and yet has many parts, and all the parts, though many, form one body, so it is with Christ. Vs. 18, “But as it is, God has placed and arranged the limbs and organs in the body, each of them, just as He wished and saw fit and with the best adaptation.” Vs. 20, “And now there are many limbs and organs, but a single body and finally Vs. 21 my favorite, “ And the eye is not able to say to the hand, I have no need of you, nor again the head to the feet, I have no need of you.”
This is a beautiful explanation of how God designed all of us to work together to further His kingdom. Not any of us is any better than anyone else. We are all designed by God with different gifts and talents. KAMHC is an example of this body. Everyone in this missions organization is a body part and without each one of you, KAMHC would not function properly. I encourage anyone else who is not a member but would like to be, to please join whether it is prayer support, administration, hospitality, IT support, medical, whatever your talent is because God has a purpose for you in this organization. Or if you are already a member keep going and do your best as if doing it for the Lord (Colossians 3:23-4). Or if you are not sure what your talent is....ask God and He will show you! We have one thing in common: We want to further God’s kingdom as described in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20). One of satan’s powerful lies is that your skill or ability is not as important. Or better, we don’t have anything to contribute. This is so not true! As written in Psalms 139, “Each one of us is fearfully and wonderfully made and we are all God’s workmanship.” Let me close this entry with a prayer. Father, thank you for each member of KAMHC and the gift that this organization is to all of mankind in our backyard as well as overseas. Please give KAMHC more and more opportunities to further your kingdom because the harvest is plentiful. Let us all be sensitive to your spirit and give us eyes to see the tasks you put in front of us each day. And the best job of all, to serve our families with patience, grace, and acceptance as we are all a body in Christ!  In Jesus name, Amen. See you next time!