Saturday, November 10, 2012

Do Not Stop Meeting Together But Spur One Another On!

We Were Designed To Be In Fellowship With One Another!

Two Are Better Than One, Because They Have A Good Return for Their Work...If One Falls Down, His Friend Can Help Him Up. 
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Funny picture of clever pets teaming up to pilfer a cake from the refrigerator in this funny pet and animal photograph. Pictures of animal teamwork.           Just looking at this picture explains what friendship is all about. By ourselves we can only achieve the veggie drawer. With friends and fellowship, we can lean on each other and get the cake and manage to get it down! It’s our friends that cheer us on and stand in the gap for each other.. A dear friend of mine has been diagnosed with stage two cancer and had a double mastectomy. It is amazing to see how her brothers and sisters in Christ have come along side of her and have helped her whole family during this difficult period in her life. The prayer support has been amazing, and it is the prayers that are sustaining her and her family.
          When I think of this picture of the three animals and how they are all piled on top of each other, I think of the importance of fellowship and being in prayer together. KAMHC was that prayer support for my family and me when my husband went to North Korea in September for one week. My husband got such an encouraging e-mail from someone from KAMHC wondering if we had any prayer requests. We instantly asked for prayer support for safety for my husband while in North Korea as he taught other neurosurgeons how to do certain surgeries....We also needed prayer for the rest of us stateside. Three sassy kids and a crazy dog....and a nutty mom can be dangerous business when my hubby’s not around. Just knowing that some people were specifically praying for us during this medical missions trip was exactly what I needed. There were no problems during this week and during the board retreat weekend, we met our prayer partners! They are so dear!!
          The Bible speaks about not forgetting to meet together. I remember a pastor at my church when I used to live in Missouri. He said something that stuck! He said that a grill full of coals burning together will burn bigger, brighter, and stronger together. When one coal goes astray and tries to stay lit, eventually the fire grows dim and eventually goes out. KAMHC seems to be this grill of coals of Christians who want to further God’s kingdom and share the love of Christ with the less fortunate and deprived. If you are going on a missions trip and need prayer support, please ask for prayer. I could definitely feel it that week!
          May I pray? Father, thank you for a body of believers where we can stand together and pray for each other for safety, strength, knowledge, and wisdom. I pray for all the trips and projects that your people are planning and in the midst of. Please put a hedge of protection around KAMHC and all the volunteers and keep them in your care and in fellowship with one another because where there is three, when one falls, the other can help back up! Peace...

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