Friday, November 16, 2012

What Happened to My Light?

This Little Light of Mine....I’m Going to Let it Shine!

 If You Abide in Me and My Words Abide in You. Ask Whatever You Will, and It Shall Be Done For You!
John 15:7

Do you remember this song growing up, “This Little Light Of Mine...I’m Going to Let it Shine....Don’t let Satan blow it out...I’m going to Let it Shine!” Perhaps your kids have sung this song in Sunday School or church? As cute as this song is so true in our spiritual walk with the Lord. We all have a light within us. Some are shining already....some bright. In others the light was there at one point, and the storms of life have blown it out. Or maybe your candle has been temporarily blown out but is on the verge of being rekindled into a small flame which will grow into a blazing fire one day....whatever the case....nurture your spirit with the Word of God, make it to church, carve out some time each day to pray....start out with a few minutes....That’s all it takes. It doesn’t have to be 30 minutes or an hour. Just even a few minutes to check in with our Lord and to still your mind and to be quiet with Jesus is one way to care for your candle. You are plugging into the One true God!
    “This Little Light of Mine....I’m Going to Let It Shine...” is a song that I learned growing up in church. The other day, my three year old daughter was singing it with some hums and babbles...and made up words... and I couldn’t quite understand what she was singing, but suddenly I knew when she pulled out her pointer finger and pretended to blow out her “candle.” This makes me think of some things that can blow out the love of God in each of us. It could be an action that was disrespectful or an unkind word that was spoken and worse in a harsh tone and even worse.... at a time when you are at your breaking point. When it comes down to it, none of us are perfect. We all have moments of chaos and haste and perhaps say or do something that was not the most Rico Suaveish....this is a real word people. God desires that we not take things too personally and not be too sensitive. It is our choice whether we allow things to bother us to the point of dimming our light. Each of our days are made up of choices and for today let’s choose to let things roll off our backs, plug into God, and thank Jesus for another day of life and another day to enjoy the people in our lives! I will add in there, some things do need to be addressed, but pray first that God give you the right time with the right loving attitude to speak your truth in love.....and better...that it will be received well:)
    May I pray? Father, thank you so much for this day and for giving each one of us an opportunity to show up for life. Give us the strength to rise above peoples’ mistakes and help us show grace and let your love in us shine because you first loved us! In Jesus name, Amen!


  1. Great blogging! I love your insight on this simple children's song <3

  2. I think this is a great reminder that we are all blessed with "a light" as a child of God. We can keep that light to ourselves or share it with those around us. When we share the light, and not keep it hidden, it is such a blessing to ourselves as well as to those all around us.

  3. Thank you Arlene for your words of wisdom! When we share the love of Christ with others, everyone is blessed!
