Monday, June 3, 2013

It's NOT all about me....

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For by Grace, we are saved through is not by works but a GIFT from God so that no man can boast.

Ephesians 2:8

God’s grace is all around us. What is God’s grace anyway? Max Lucado has a new book out called GRACE. This book describes the grace of God at many different levels. Lucado writes beautifully the story of when Jesus challenged the Pharisees who were about to stone the adulteress woman. He said, “If anyone has not sinned....go ahead and throw the first stone.” We all know the one...dropped their stones....because they knew deep inside that they were NOT without sin. Such is with each one of us. We are not without sin. Therefore, we too need to drop our stones of judgement of condemnation towards others and self condemnation towards ourselves and realize the GRACE of our father. 
He loved us so much and wanted nothing to ever come in between us. He created a way....a brilliant way....a way that no man could ever come up with....a plan such as send His only one and only Son to die on the cross to pay for all our sins...past...present...and in the future.... A one time sacrifice so that it became the ULTIMATE sacrifice. The sin that was created in the garden was overcome on the cross. grace....a free gift....when we least expected it...or deserved it....because God’s ways are not our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9). 
As we are called to serve the Lord with our gifts and talents...going out into the farthest corners of the world to heal medically, preach the GOOD NEWS, heal the emotionally wounded, construct buildings, teach orphans, children, and parents about the love of God...the unexpected happens....on my last trip back from Cambodia I contracted E-coli...DOUBLE JOY!!!! My flight home was tortuous...each step during the long winded lines at the passport check point brought cramps, chills, and fever....I laid hunched over during the first leg of the flight. Hunched over the second leg of the flight. But through the unexpectancies.....God’s grace is bigger...stronger...and better...God’s grace always wins out....and the miracles are just ahead:)

Things to Think About:
When the going gets you ask the Lord for His GRACE?
Hunched over or not....keep asking for His grace...

MAY I PRAY? Lord Jesus, Abba are all mighty! Thank you for your grace...each time...forgive us for relying on our own strength instead of your grace. Teach us and make us more like you...abounding in grace. We love Jesus name, Amen.

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